Kelli O'Donnell
Southeast Liaison, Advisory Board

Kelli O'Donnell is a member of and intermediary for The Ninety-Nines International Organization of Women Pilots and The Seaplane Pilots Association. She routinely recruits pilots and plays a part in missions that go to the Southeast U.S. Kelli has been a marine biologist since 2008 and is currently a fisheries biologist for the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office. She also is a Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network permit holder and has worked in various capacities with sea turtles since 2000. As a Turtle Flier, Kelli has flown multiple national and international transport flights and has utilized her skills as a pilot and marine biologist familiar with federal permitting to publish best practices from both the endangered species and pilot perspective. This "Protocol for Pilots Transporting Sea Turtles" is now used by multiple state and federal agency partners in addition to being required reading for volunteer Turtle Fliers. She has a B.S. in Marine Biology from Florida Institute of Technology, a M.S. in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences from the University of Florida, and is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Florida.